Take Them A Meal (.com) Incredible Tool - Brilliant Invention

A friend (thanks Grace) of mine from my gym saw my meal gathering for the passing of my BFF's father and told me about this site.  I checked out Take Them A Meal's website and the first thing I thought was "Whoever invented this site is brilliant!"

TakeThemAMeal.com is a free online tool for coordinating the delivery of meals to someone in need.  

A meal coordinator is able to create a customized online sign up sheet that makes it easy for friends and family to bring meals. In just a few minutes, phone numbers, driving directions, food allergies, and any other helpful details can be communicated to everyone involved.

TakeThemAMeal.com began when our community came together to meet real needs of a local family. Our desire is to share this tool so others may be helped as well.


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